When merchandise is seized criminal investigators ( special agents ) are notified 货物没收后,即通知刑事调查员(特工) 。
Ki hoon han suk kyu is a criminal investigator , intelligent and with animal instincts 纵使太太贤良淑德,但是启雄仍锺情于酒廊歌手嘉希。
Criminal investigators evaluate the case and after consulting with u . s . attorney ' s office determine whether criminal prosecution is warranted 刑事调查员评价案情,并在与美国检察官办公室协商后决定是否要提出刑事起诉。
Information from the correctional services department " csd " indicates that some csd officers went to thailand earlier to attend a supervisory criminal investigator course , which was conducted by the international law enforcement academy in bangkok of thailand . the content of the course covers criminal investigation techniques , anti - transnational crime tactics , crime scene management and evidence collection techniques , etc . in this connection , will the government inform this council of the following in the past three years 惩教署的资料显示,早前曾有惩教人员前往泰国参加由泰国曼谷国际执法学院举办的"督导级刑事罪案调查课程" ,课程的内容包括刑事罪案侦查技巧打击跨国罪行的策略罪案现场管理和采证技巧等。